Who We Serve - Mining & Metals

When it comes to understanding where most product value streams begin, one often need look no further than the mining and metals industry.
The 12,714 active mines in the US provide the raw materials like iron ore and copper to make raw materials like steel and copper wiring. A critical by-product of all this mining activity is the production of tens of millions of tons of industrial sand and gravel that is needed in practically every major US infrastructure project. The US mining industry supports almost one million jobs through direct and indirect employment and generates almost three additional jobs in different business segments, and contributes nearly 57 billion dollars annually to the economy.
Industry Statistics

From the newest iPhone, latest vehicle model year, to jet and wind turbine blades, common, precious, and rare earth elements are the building blocks of nearly every convenience and basic necessity in every economy around the world. And while the technology used to mine and refine these elements into the components for modern life has changed from simply digging a hole with a shovel to massive, multi-story earth movers, the need for them has not. In fact, some minerals have become so important, that they are considered of critical importance to the US economy and US national security. Furthermore, the US Geological Survey highlighted in a recent report that the US is now "more reliant than ever for the minerals needed by our manufacturing, technology, energy, transportation, infrastructure and defense sectors."
Digging Deeper

Today, critical minerals are needed for the production of semiconductors that go in consumer electronics, fossil fuel-based and electric vehicles, and to support the expansion of a "green" economy and clean energy production. For example, wind turbines use rare earth elements like neodymium and dysprosium, solar cells need gallium, tellurium, silver, cadmium and indium, MRI machines need niobium-based superconducting magnets and jet engines have rhenium in their turbine blades. The US government considers several more common minerals to be critical, including lithium, cobalt, graphite, aluminum, chromium, cesium, and magnesium – just to name a few. Globally, the World Bank has estimated that the demand for critical minerals will increase 500 percent by the year 2050, and that the demand for lithium and graphite alone will increase by 4,000 percent in same timeframe.

While rare earth elements are not rare from the standpoint of being scarce, they are usually dispersed in small pockets instead of concentrated fields that are easy to access and mine. As a result, mining companies face increasing pressure to meet skyrocketing demand in both US and foreign markets all while facing labor shortages, geopolitical challenges, and significant supply chain and logistical issues throughout every aspect of the mining value stream, from mine exploration, development, operations, and closure.
Supply Chain Challenges
It is a common refrain across every US industry segment that there are problems with the supply chain – and the mining and metals business is no exception. Mining companies not only face significant delays in getting new equipment, but also in transporting shipments of raw materials. The cost of simply doing business for most US mining companies has jumped 25 to 30 percent specifically because of supply chain issues. Where once a mining company could call and get a drill within a week, now they simply cannot be found for purchase or lease. Smaller exploration companies are delayed or cease operating all together because they cannot conduct the exploratory core drillings that are so critical to raising funds in the public markets. If they are able to drill, results that used to take 20 days are now taking as long as 75 days or more.
Batteries and power equipment are also in short supply, along with the capacity to transport materials, parts and fuels to mining camps. A company making automated mining vehicles and electronics reported that delivery times from its suppliers grew from one week to 20, with a concurrent price increase by a third, while wait times for cables and packaging also doubled.
These types of supply chain disruptions – that push up the price of new machinery – are forcing those in the mining industry to reevaluate their current fleets of equipment, since no amount of cajoling and begging with suppliers is able to break loose more equipment or parts. This means that the average age for a significant portion of the mining industry’s equipment is continuing to grow as those companies hold on to older equipment longer or buy older used equipment if it can be found. And although new equipment sales may drop, those resources are now flooding the parts aftermarket.
As a result of this many disruptions, mining equipment manufacturers both large and small continue to use a variety of strategies to try and overcome ongoing supply chain disruptions. Strategies include increasing inventory from "just in time" to stocking piling "just in case" and broadening their supplier bases, more vertical integration of supply chains for greater control and predictability, certifying alternative suppliers to prevent a single point of failure or delay, and focusing more attention on supply chain reliability over price.
Your Supply Chain Solution
Faced with these types of supply chain challenges and impacts to business, many companies in the mining and metals industry today are working with 3PL’s – or third-party logistics providers, to develop and execute innovative shipping solutions for their most time sensitive parts and equipment to get mines back online and back on schedule. This is where the speed, expertise, and experience of freight services from HotShotTrucking.com can make a difference throughout your entire mining and metals supply chain.
It’s critical to work with a third-party logistics company like HotShotTrucking.com that understands and can manage the intricacies of shipping or transporting any type of heavy mining equipment, supplies, or parts. By having the right plans, parts, people, and same day logistics partner like HotShotTrucking.com, you can effectively mitigate the loss of revenue, schedule disruptions and customer dissatisfaction due to equipment or facility downtime. Whether it’s in the air or on the ground, freight services by HotShotTrucking.com excels at the prompt delivery of mining parts and equipment throughout North America. Here are just a few ways HotShotTrucking.com serves, supports, and helps the mining and metals sector overcome its supply chain issues.

Fast - Ground Expedite
Ground expedite service from HotShotTrucking.com includes everything from Sprinter vans, small and large straight trucks, up to 53-foot tractor trailer delivery teams. We’ll pick up your shipment, deliver it to the airport, then receive it at the other end – providing hand-carried service as necessary or required.

Faster - Air Freight
Using regular commercial flights or the major air freight integrators gets your parts and equipment in the air and back in business faster.

Fastest - Air Charter
Exclusive flights on a HotShotTrucking.com air charter provide the exclusivity and speed you need to hit those critical deadlines. Air charters offer complete shipment flexibility from departure time to final destination. Air charters are one of the fastest shipping options available and include in-flight tracking, so you’ll always know the status of your parts shipment.
No Fool's Gold Here
With HotShotTrucking.com, you can always expect top-trim, concierge level service from start to finish.

Always Free Freight Quotes
HotShotTrucking.com offers efficient and effective solutions across a wide range of service options. No prior account is needed to get started. Just call us at (800) 713-1000 or enter your order online. All costs are listed without any hidden fees, so you know up front how much you will pay.

Customized Solutions
We do all the logistical legwork to find the best solution for your specific situation. It might mean an exclusive air charter, or perhaps expedited ground shipping that still gets your critical parts to its destination on time.

Real-time Tracking
HotShotTrucking.com uses the latest tracking technology to always know where your shipment is, and our team is happy to give you updates whenever you need them. We are proactively engaged with your shipment, monitoring air traffic, inclement weather, connecting flight cancellations, road construction and congested streets.

Constant Contact
Want status on your parts? Our team is always available to answer your questions, provide an update on your shipment’s location, and take new instructions 24/7/365. Call us any time.

Experienced Expeditors
With HotShotTrucking.com, you’ll work with the same expeditor from start to finish, ensuring consistent communication, eliminating misunderstandings, and improving the quality of your entire shipping experience. That’s why some of the largest names in the mining and metals sector trust HotShotTrucking.com to meet their urgent shipping deadlines.
We develop plans that guarantee shipping services are supported by time-effective options whether the final destination is a major air hub, a manufacturing facility, or even a remote airstrip.
Choosing the right logistics partner to get your mining equipment and parts is a critical business decision. With HotShotTrucking.com, experience the peace of mind and confidence that comes from an expert delivery plan, and working with a dedicated expeditor from start to finish. For more information, contact us today at (800) 713-1000 and let us help you get back online!
Industries We Serve
The automotive supply chain already has significant challenges. Don’t let malfunctioning equipment stop the production line. Step on the gas with HotShotTrucking.com’s suite of services that will get you back in the fast lane.
Aviation & Aerospace
Every moment a commercial airliner sits on the ground, it costs an airline money. Expedited freight services by HotShotTrucking.com can get you back in the air with prompt delivery of parts and equipment throughout North America.
One shipping delay can snowball and cause delays throughout your entire project. You need an experienced 3PL provider who understands the construction industry and has the logistical reach to deliver your freight on time, anywhere. That 3PL partner is HotShotTrucking.com.
When it’s not working, neither are you. Let HotShotTrucking.com’s expert expeditors help you fix the supply chain and hit the restart button sooner.
Every moment a manufacturing facility or factory sits idle costs a company money because of the high costs involved in lost sales and lost customers. With many manufacturers building to only just-in-time production rates, any disruption threatens parts and vehicle inventories. This is where the speed, expertise, and experience of freight services from HotShotTrucking.com can make a difference throughout the entire manufacturing supply chain.
From servers to cell towers, information, voice, and data must flow to keep businesses, production, and the public online and connected. When equipment goes dark, depend on HotShotTrucking.com to get your systems flashing green again.
Oil & Gas
The oil and gas industry faces challenging conditions in offshore and onshore oil rigs, often in remote locations with limited infrastructure. Don’t let oil pumps or pipelines sit idle waiting for equipment. By having the right plans, parts, people, and logistics partner like HotShotTrucking.com, you can effectively mitigate plant or pump downtime, unscheduled disruptions, and equipment failures.
Cost of Urgent Shipping
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Blog and Resource Center
How AirFreight.com Solved a PGA Tour Shipping Emergency
Learn how AirFreight.com located a lost shipment and helped save the PGA Golf Tour.
How AirFreight.com Saved The Farm By Solving A Major Shipping Delay
Learn how we saved a Montana-based artisanal farm thousands of dollars by expediting a shipment of perishable goods.
Expedited Shipping Vendor Comparison
We’ve done the research for you. This vendor comparison sheet breaks down how AirFreight.com stacks up against the competition.